Glass onion, the movie that is, is a pretty great movie. I watched it the first time with my first son and his GF, and it did not disappoint, even when I watched it with my sister tonight . I was trying to pin a picture of the movie on this post, but with this new computer that is so basic I do not quite get it. so no Glass onion picture. I ended up falling asleep on the couch while the fire in the fireplace burnt itself out.

Now it is Sunday the 1/8/23 and I am at home after a long day of de-Christmasing the house, it always makes me sad, because the house looks so bare. I did however, bring out the Valentines days stuff and I got some more at the dollar tree yesterday. This weekend I was on call, at Cherokee, and I actually was called in yesterday. It was not bad, and I made at least two hours of money, so far today I have not been called in and I do hope that I am not. I have already began drinking. I also have made chili which I am about to eat a bowl of. It is too hot so back here I am again.

I have not had a drink until Friday of this week. I did buy these drinks from moment that are made of adaptogens and I can drink on week days if I need to. I did have one on Thursday night and I could not finish the whole can, I put it in the fridge and drank some of it the next night. I did fall asleep however before my bedtime and this has happened every night after I eat dinner. I come home fed baby E, walk him and then I eat my dinner so it is clearly after 8 pm. I am exhausted and I am blaming Covid. I also do not have my taste and smell back it is maybe 30 percent available now, and this is 13 days after I been DX with Covid.

Maybe this just my time to be quiet. I have trained to be lead tech and I did it last Friday. I will be lead tech once a week now, while everyone is present, maybe on more days if and when I am needed. I am still learning, but it seems to be going well. I also ran into one of my old Drs that I worked with for 14 years, it was very nice to see her. We did catch up for a few moments and we both seemed happy to see one another. I am liking this job very very much. Tomorrow I am at NSC which is the close one to me, so I can sleep until 6:30 and I will work 8 to 4:30 pm but get paid for 10 hours. It will be a good week. No alcohol again tonight, just me and moment, at the moment.